ScienceWISE: a semantic platform for paper discovery and collaboration offers article annotation and scientific bookmarking based on a field specific concept ontology.


ScienceWISE platform ( allows users to annotate, bookmark and discover scientific papers according to their personal interests. In detail, they can organize papers into collections, and perform semantic browsing and semantic search over these collections.

The core of the system is ScienceWISE Ontology of scientific concepts, part of which is shown on the picture below. 

Ontological concepts play imprortant roles in many ScienceWISE components, in particular

  • they serve as tags for bookmarking papers, and later used to effectively navigate among the bookmarked papers,
  • they form a basis of user interest profile, which allows to subsequently match new papers with the profile and sort them by relevance to the user.

The interface for new relavant papers discovery is show in the screenshot below:

Here every paper is annotated with a list of concepts, ordered by their relevance score in the paper.

Research papers:

List of currently involved people: