Fall 2024

Data Science Seminar: Model Selection

Lecturers: Mourad Khayati 

Teaching language: English

Level: MSc students

Academic year: Fall 2024



Evaluation and Expectations


List of Papers


The data science seminar involves presentations covering recent topics in data science. The area of this year’s seminar is model selection.  In the scope of this seminar, we investigate papers that describe model selection algorithms and systems. The papers explore techniques to configure, compare, and select the best-performing model among a set of seed models. Those techniques are applied to solve

various Machine Learning (ML) tasks, including classification, forecasting, anomaly detection, etc.


The goal for the students is to learn how to critically read and study research papers, describe a paper in a report, and present it in a seminar. Under supervision, students will select one paper to study and compare it with related work. This seminar aims to help students gather in-depth knowledge of an advanced topic and develop the skills required to describe a complex problem from the time series field in the form of both a presentation, a written report, and an empirical evaluation.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The papers will be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Evaluation and Expectations

The final grade depends on the quality of the report, presentation, reproducibility experiments, and active participation during the seminar. Each participant prepares a self-contained report of min 6 pages and gives a presentation of 30 minutes. The report should describe the proposed technique in detail. The report might contain a small running example, counterexample(s), and should explore the extreme cases where the evaluated systems and algorithms would perform best and worst. The reproducibility consists of reproducing the same set of experiments introduced in the paper using a different setup (dataset, metric, parameters, etc.).

Advice on how to:

IMPORTANT NOTE: Attendance is mandatory for the two-class seminar sessions. The total number of participants will be limited to 10.


Kickoff Meeting. Date: Tue, 24.09.2024, 14:15-16:00, room: D230

Setup and organization of the seminar and paper assignment


Date: Tue, 12.11.2024
Report deadline

Date: Tue, 19.11.2024, all day, room: C433

Office meeting with students from Batch1

First Seminar Session. Date: Tue, 26.11.2024, 14:15-18:00, room: A303

Presentations of Batch1


Date: Tue, 27.11.2024
Report deadline of

Date: Tue, 03.12.2024, all day, room: C433
Office meeting with students from

Second Seminar Session. Date: Tue, 10.12.2024, 14:15-18:00, room: A303

Presentations of Batch2


Date: Tue, 14.01.2025
Deadline final Report of Batch1 and Batch2

Paper Assignment

The papers will be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis. To select one paper from the list of papers, please use the following link.

Paper & code

Presentation Date


TSC-AutoML: Meta-learning for Automatic Time Series Classification Algorithm Selection, ICDE 2023


Artthik Sellathurai

Choose Wisely: An Extensive Evaluation of Model Selection for Anomaly Detection in Time Series, PVLDB 2023


Thomas Sutter

AutoForecast: Automatic Time-Series Forecasting Model Selection, CIKM 2022


Natallia Patashkevich

Raha: A Configuration-Free Error Detection System, SIGMOD 2019


Prosper Ukoma Chima

SimpleTS: An Efficient and Universal Model Selection Framework for Time Series Forecasting, PVLDB 2023


Matej Kutirov

Active Model Selection for Positive Unlabeled Time Series Classification, ICDE 2020


Christine Groux

AutoAI-TS: AutoAI for Time Series Forecasting, SIGMOD 2021


Mattias Dürrmeier

ShrinkHPO: Towards Explainable Parallel Hyperparameter Optimization, ICDE 2024


Nicholas Kaegi

AutoML in heavily constrained applications, VLDB Journal 2024



Database Native Model Selection: Harnessing Deep Neural Networks in Database Systems, PVLDB 2024

