eXascale Infolab, University of Fribourg, Switzerland

We design, build and deploy next-generation infrastructures for Big Data, with a focus on social, scientific, and linked data.

Latest News

August 2024 – VLDB Demo

July 2024 – Full paper accepted at MICRO 2024

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Selected Projects

ScienceWISE: a semantic platform for paper discovery and collaboration

eXascale Infolab ScienceWISE.info offers article annotation and scientific bookmarking based on a field specific concept ontology.
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eXascale Infolab dipLODocus is a system for RDF data processing supporting both simple transactional queries and complex analytics efficiently.
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Entities at XI

eXascale Infolab Project to exploit entities in order to better retrieve, understand, and summarise information represented by texts and other media.
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eXascale Infolab Project on extracting and integrating data from unstructured content using knowledge graphs
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Human Computation @ XI

eXascale Infolab We investigate human-powered systems, tools and interfaces that tackle (at scale) data management problems when machines fail short.
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Linked Data supported Learning

eXascale Infolab The Bowlogna ontology aims at providing a standard schema for European universities involved in the Bologna Reform of higher-education studies.
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eXascale Infolab We study how to design information systems taking into account the idiosyncrasies of human memories.
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eXascale Infolab The OLTP-Bench is an extensible testbed for benchmarking relational database systems, with batteries included! (15 popular benchmarks).
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eXascale Infolab RecovDB is an enhancement of MonetDB with time series repair functionalities.
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Smarter Cities

eXascale Infolab We design data management architectures to support Smart(er) Cities infrastructures. E.g.: Water Distribution Networks.
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TripleProv is a new system extending a native RDF store to efficiently handle provenance inside data stores.
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A Comparison of Data Structures and Hash Functions to Manage URIs on the Web of Data

URIs are also exceedingly important on the Web of data, since RDF graphs and Linked Data both heavily rely on URIs to uniquely identify and connect online entities.
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