Brief Bio

I have completed my Master’s Degree in University of Fribourg in 2022 with my Master Thesis “Comparing the Impact of Data Imputation on Time Series Downstream Tasks”. Since May 2022 I am a PhD candidate at eXascale Infolab, supervised by Mourad Khayati and Philippe Cudré-Mauroux.

I have been working with eXascale Infolab on time-series related work since my Bachelor in Computer Science (with Mathematics as a minor) when I did my Bachelor Thesis under the supervision of Mourad Khayati, after which I have worked at eXascale Infolab as a programmer for two years. My current research focus is matrix decompositions, time series analysis and data cleaning.


  1. Mourad Khayati, Guillaume Chacun, Zakhar Tymchenko, and Philippe Cudré-Mauroux. “A-DARTS: Stable Model Selection for Data Repair in Time Series.” Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Internal Conference on Data Engineering (To Appear), ICDE, 2025. Bibtex Code
  2. Mourad Khayati, Ines Arous, Zakhar Tymchenko, and Philippe Cudré-Mauroux. “ORBITS: Online Recovery of Missing Blocks in Multiple Time Series Streams.” In Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), Vol. 14, 2021. Bibtex PDF Code Poster
  3. Mourad Khayati, Alberto Lerner, Zakhar Tymchenko, and Philippe Cudré-Mauroux. “Mind the Gap: An Experimental Evaluation of Imputation of Missing Values Techniques in Time Series.” In Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), Vol. 13, 2020. Bibtex PDF Code Award

Student Supervision